Every culture marks important milestones in the lives of its members with pomp and fanfare. Births, marriages, deaths; all are typically accompanied by some sort of observance or ceremony.
But weddings are unique. Much happier affairs than most other rites-of-passage, weddings celebrate the love between two people and the promise of long and happy lives together.
The Planning Phase
Weddings are usually planned months, even years, in advance. This gives the bride and groom, along with their families, plenty of time to plan the ceremony, which in many cases can be quite lavish.
So many factors go into planning a wedding, in fact, that professional wedding planners are often called in to assist in making arrangements. These include choosing a venue, hiring a catering service, selecting floral arrangements, and determining where guests will sit.
Guests, too, have certain obligations they must fulfil, not least of which is coming up with an appropriate gift for the happy couple. Fortunately, there are numerous places to find excellent wedding gifts, such as royaldesign.co.uk, which offers a wide range of attractive home furnishings, often at discounted prices.
The Big Day
When the big day finally arrives, everyone involved should fully understand the roles they are expected to play. This includes the bride, her father, the groom, his best man, and the various bridesmaids that will take part in the ceremony.
Any lack of preparedness in this regard can make or break the entire wedding. It is for this reason that wedding planning has become a multi-billion-pound industry in recent years.
So for anyone thinking about popping the question, don’t underestimate the amount of planning involved. But once it’s all over, you can expect to be the happiest guy (or gal) in the world.